BOT teams
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Posted on 2017-04-12 16:24:53
Posts: 2061
Joined: 2011-01-15
King_Leonidas wrote:

Still nothing, I really hope that one day I will see when a team goes BOT all players go on Transfer List, or at least, the players they are part of an NT goes on TL..

Maybe dreams comes true

The one of the most ridiculous things in whole situation which is connected which BOTs' teams is this that many magnificent players won't change team. Due to this impossibility often NTs must get rid of them because they aren't able to develop yourself in a good way. Another question is this- why so many uncommon players can't play for the best teams. Without a doubt, the fastest way to achieve success is to first have great players. I know that we have plenty of them but still we may have more and more, if teams which go BOT, will sell their players.
I think that the best idea is to put every player of BOT team for 1k € when they go BOTs. It will enable managers to develop players for NT and to use them in competitions as well.

Posted on 2017-04-12 16:30:45
Posts: 987
Joined: 2009-10-08
Agreed, the best solution in this game ever, hope they will make it.

Simple, team goes BOT, all players on TL for 1000$.

This is where we hold them!

Posted on 2017-04-12 17:47:05
Posts: 398
Good idea !

Posted on 2017-04-12 21:40:18
Posts: 75
Joined: 2015-08-11
King_Leonidas wrote:

Agreed, the best solution in this game ever, hope they will make it.

Simple, team goes BOT, all players on TL for 1000$.

Bot teams still need to play matches, so they can't sell ALL their players.

This would probably be harder to implement than it sounds. Maybe have the bot auction all the players and fire the ones that nobody buys, then spawn a new batch of players that will stay on the bot team forever.

Ragnarök Reykjavík returns.

Posted on 2017-04-12 23:06:40
Posts: 987
Joined: 2009-10-08
IvarJ wrote:

King_Leonidas wrote:

Agreed, the best solution in this game ever, hope they will make it.

Simple, team goes BOT, all players on TL for 1000$.

Bot teams still need to play matches, so they can't sell ALL their players.

This would probably be harder to implement than it sounds. Maybe have the bot auction all the players and fire the ones that nobody buys, then spawn a new batch of players that will stay on the bot team forever.

Why not, just make available that players goes on TL when a team is BOT.

Lot of NT players "die" because they team goes bot or many many potentials, they must stop it.

This is where we hold them!

Posted on 2017-04-13 11:39:45
Posts: 2061
Joined: 2011-01-15
IvarJ wrote:

King_Leonidas wrote:

Agreed, the best solution in this game ever, hope they will make it.

Simple, team goes BOT, all players on TL for 1000$.

Bot teams still need to play matches, so they can't sell ALL their players.

This would probably be harder to implement than it sounds. Maybe have the bot auction all the players and fire the ones that nobody buys, then spawn a new batch of players that will stay on the bot team forever.

BOT teams should sell players but instead of them they may get new players, just like a team which everyone gets when he starts this game.
Look in this way- if this had been implemented in the past, we would have more magnificent players in NTs and clubs now. This solution oughta prevent disappearance of such players. In the same time BOTs would get new players like new teams in THB. It's for me the most reasonable because it doesn't matter if BOTs play in the highest divisions or the lowest one. Moreover, it would be even better, if they played in the lowest divisions. New managers should have possibilities to be promoted as fast as it's possible

Posted on 2017-07-08 17:53:53
Posts: 228
Players should be placed from the bot teams on the sales list????

Posted on 2017-07-08 22:39:57
Posts: 74
Listen, I play rocking soccer. In that game you have many boot teams but they also buy players who nobody will buy and you can send request to buy their players for real price. So they finish that problem before anybody complaints. Everybody will be happy but this game die.

Posted on 2017-08-19 17:48:24
Posts: 125
I am also in favor of this. BOT teams are a lot of talented young players who do not develop.

Posted on 2017-08-19 17:54:59
Posts: 987
Joined: 2009-10-08

This is where we hold them!
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