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Posted on 2012-04-03 21:11:15
Posts: 0
What I see, it's that "trying" to corrupt is considering a very big fault in any sport, and that this is punished by jail !
But here, in this game, nothing really important... The NT Coach is no more coach ? What a punishment ! A fine ? With all the money in the game, who cares !

About PM, I never received any PM about this. We discussed about that in the french forum, as the NT Coach asked us how to react to this. We told him to contact the Admins, and waited. When we saw that the punishment was a joke, I was really upset and wrote on this forum.

I talk about what happened to the Gamblers (and others) because I think the punishment are not equal, and everybody isn't treated the same. For me, what the Gamblers did wasn't punishable at all, because they broke no rule. No overpriced transfer, but we won't open this discussion again. I even think that if the Croatian NT Coach wasn't supporter, he would have been botified...

To finish, I think I have to explain that to everybody, to let people know how this game is ruled, and generate enough reaction to convince the Admins to change their way of ruling this game, even if the chances are very very small...

pepguardiola wrote:

First Artoupan:
You DID mention content of a PM that wasn't even sent to you and that is not allowed on the forum. If anyone else wants an explanation use PM. But I don't see how can you say he wasn't punished. He lost his position as NT coach and as he said he got financial punishment as well.

I still don't get why are you so upset with Gamblers being botiefied 3 weeks early. You still got his money that, at least IMO, he should have taken it out of the game not give to some "friends". But that's old news.

As a player of course I don't agree with what Croation NT coach did but you wanna botify someone for "trying" to bribe someone. How do you think he would give the money to French NT coach. Probably some weird would happen transfer that I am sure someone would see and report it to the admins and he or more probable even both would get punished then.

Believe me I wanted to know what happened as well, but this way it is not legal so I had to delete your post. Am I sure that everyone wants an explanation but you will have to give it to them in PM. When I deleted you post I tried to be as polite as I could be since you asked before and didn't got the anwser from frank or me. But when you wrote the post I went and read the rules again and I believe I did the right thing since the post involved PM content.

Just one question to you Artoupan why did you feel you have to explain the situation not thoose two that were involved?

Second 10unitxxxx:
I don't get why you would even try to do what you did since IMO Croatia has good enough team to get to WC completely fair.

Third marijoh:
I don't know what problems you have or have had with frank but in this situation he has done nothing wrong.

Posted on 2012-04-04 2:24:05
Posts: 235
Pep, can we make a new NT thread. This is starting to get out of hand.

Posted on 2012-04-04 5:27:01
Posts: 619
Joined: 2009-09-24
10unitxxxx wrote:

Like i say it was one kind of joke,we won first match against france so i wanted to see reaction of France coach but he take it seriosly.

Yeah sure, this is why you insisted so much with a 2nd concrete proposal when you saw no reaction...

Posted on 2012-04-04 8:02:23
Posts: 258
franeklampard wrote:

Pep, can we close the game. This is starting to get out of hand.

Posted on 2012-04-04 8:05:46
[THB] Admin
Posts: 936
Croatia has a new NT coach. This discussion is closed. Please stay on topic.

Posted on 2012-04-04 11:53:40
Posts: 763
Administrator wrote:

Croatia has a new NT coach. This discussion is closed. Please stay on topic.

It is very interesting! Why there is no new trainer in Ukraine and Brazil??????? Why the new trainer didn't appear in Russia 2 seasons back?
It is a lot of questions!

Posted on 2012-04-04 12:20:00
[THB] Admin
Posts: 936
Andre46 wrote:

Administrator wrote:

Croatia has a new NT coach. This discussion is closed. Please stay on topic.

It is very interesting! Why there is no new trainer in Ukraine and Brazil??????? Why the new trainer didn't appear in Russia 2 seasons back?
It is a lot of questions!

Because that was a different story. Those managers were banned because of cheating with their own clubs or became bot due to inactivity.

Posted on 2012-04-04 12:23:38
Posts: 0
I don't see why cheating as a NT Coach would be less important than cheating with your club...

Posted on 2012-04-04 16:12:38
Posts: 619
Joined: 2009-09-24
Administrator wrote:

Andre46 wrote:

Administrator wrote:

Croatia has a new NT coach. This discussion is closed. Please stay on topic.

It is very interesting! Why there is no new trainer in Ukraine and Brazil??????? Why the new trainer didn't appear in Russia 2 seasons back?
It is a lot of questions!

Because that was a different story. Those managers were banned because of cheating with their own clubs or became bot due to inactivity.

And then ?
They were banned, ok. Do their national team deserved to be punished for that ? No way. So why a new manager couldn't be appointed ?

Posted on 2012-04-04 19:20:31
Posts: 763
Administrator wrote:

Andre46 wrote:

Administrator wrote:

Croatia has a new NT coach. This discussion is closed. Please stay on topic.

It is very interesting! Why there is no new trainer in Ukraine and Brazil??????? Why the new trainer didn't appear in Russia 2 seasons back?
It is a lot of questions!

Because that was a different story. Those managers were banned because of cheating with their own clubs or became bot due to inactivity.

In what the National team and all other managers is guilty?
Your explanation not so good.
The trainer can be appointed and now! Brazil and Ukraine!!!
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