SPR Hannah Montana w finale LoC!
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Posted on 2013-10-17 20:55:49
Posts: 8707
Krzysztof270291 wrote:

Ale do tej pory jak rozumiem nikt tego adminom nie zgłaszał? Niby bug jest bugiem i niezależnie od tego kiedy został zgłoszony (przy odpowiednim udokumentowaniu screenami) powinien skutkować powtórzeniem meczu, ale trochę rozumiem racje Oduli odnośnie tego, że taki problem lepiej było zgłosić przed meczem.

Does not matter how this will finish, there will not be any winner anyway. In both ways the image of the game will drop a bit down again.

Posted on 2013-10-17 21:05:11
pan kokos
Posts: 305
Joined: 2010-08-12

wstawię screena żeby wszyscy wiedzieli o co chodzi.
To było wczoraj jest data godzina, z dzisiaj już nie zrobił ale też był na koncie o 16:30 i nie dało się ustawić meczu.

Posted on 2013-10-17 21:16:44
Posts: 8707
Yes, it was the same in my case, even now the match is on the top, so where is the problem? Admins made a mistake by a wrong set up and putted the game on top of the match list. I did not put it on the bug section as there is a way to make a formation set up and our community is using it to get access to formations in previous games. So please be so kind and ask Marcin why he did not claim it in the bug section or did not set it up in the same way as I did? As I wrote down, my point is it had to be claimed before on bug forum and not after the game.

Such things are damaging the reputation of the game anyway.

Posted on 2013-10-17 21:53:27
Posts: 687
Joined: 2010-01-17
jestem na fonie wiec krotko. Skladu nie ustawijem bo nie mialem takiej opcji. Mam dowod bledu admina, mecz musi byc powtorzony. Jesli nie, to sprzedale polakow od 1tys i botuje konto. Dzieki ogarnietym za wsparcie. A dla zazdrosnych... Mam w **** czy wygralem czy nie. Ale mecz powinien byc rozstrzygniety sprawiedliwie.

P.S. Admin papik !

Posted on 2013-10-17 23:30:39
Posts: 1710
Joined: 2009-09-27
patrząc na wynik i ustawienie w jakim zagrał Marcin jestem przekonany , że gdyby nie ten bug zwycięstwo było by jego . Gratulacje , dla mnie i tak jesteś wygranym , mam także nadzieje , że nie zakończysz gry .

ps. przecież jeszcze muszę z Tobą wygrać w ekstraklasie bo na 8 spotkań zrobiłem to tylko raz

Posted on 2013-10-18 8:39:21
Posts: 1234
to się zgadza że gdyby marcin ,,zagrał" tym składem który by ustawił prawdopodobnie wynik byłby dla niego korzystny a odula tak mi się tylko może wydawać spodziewa się że kolejny mecz może być przegrany i broni się przed powtórką mam nadzieję że dojdzie do powtórzenia zawsze przynajmniej coś będzie się działo w thb

Posted on 2013-10-18 8:47:24
Posts: 1234
Odula wrote:

Yes, it was the same in my case, even now the match is on the top, so where is the problem? Admins made a mistake by a wrong set up and putted the game on top of the match list. I did not put it on the bug section as there is a way to make a formation set up and our community is using it to get access to formations in previous games. So please be so kind and ask Marcin why he did not claim it in the bug section or did not set it up in the same way as I did? As I wrote down, my point is it had to be claimed before on bug forum and not after the game.

Such things are damaging the reputation of the game anyway.

u won first game because of bugg so in my and other players oppinion match should be played one more time... do u want to win LOC because of buggs??? for me it is a little bit ridiculous i have hope that this match will be reapated and it will be the same chances to win for both managers see u in the second loc final game and good luck
(sorry for my mistakes i`m not native speaker )

Posted on 2013-10-18 10:51:39
Posts: 8707
Of course I do not want to win by unfair game. But again where was the unfair advantage in this case? Why noone did report it on bug forum? In general if there was a claim before a match or message in my inbox I would like to play the game again. I am even surprised that nobody is realy taking care how to set up the formation and how to access the formations in the past games. This is btw a very useful for non supporters to set up formations once and change them by default features for the next games to allow them easily play different players in friendly games. I am very tired to listen that I had unfair advantage, but yes, there was a small glitch from admins and that's it.

Posted on 2013-10-18 11:27:04
Posts: 687
Joined: 2010-01-17
because bug happend on thursday. So i can tell this to admin even on friday. So dont cry odula and wait for admin decision. NOT YOUR.

Posted on 2013-10-18 11:58:34
Posts: 428
Marcin796 wrote:

because bug happend on thursday. So i can tell this to admin even on friday. So dont cry odula and wait for admin decision. NOT YOUR.

What bug happend??? Czech team have made his set-up so you could do it too! I dont believe that one team could made set up and other couldnt!
And if you had problems you should write to bug forum BEFORE game.

Final match was annouced 11. 10. 2013 so you had one week.
Your behaviour is cheating and tricky - you have waited and you saw Czech team strategy.

So only one why cries is YOU! (EDIT:and your little friend small kokot as i have seen).
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