Forum index >> Bosna i Hercegovina >> DAVIS CUP TEAMHB
Posted on 2014-03-21 12:43:07   
Posts: 768
Joined: 2013-06-12
Ja ću pokušati stvoriti novi prijateljski konkurs za ponedjeljak , u kojem formatu je sličan Davis Cup tenis . Datum početka da se već razmišlja o juna.

Ideja je za svaku zemlju da se upišu , izabrati kapetana i biti prisutan za svaki dan da se igra na ukupno 5 ekipa u zemlji , od kojih je najmanje 2 od njih neće igrati u Top Division .

Konferencija će se igrati na 5 utakmica između ekipa bira svake zemlje , i pobijediti da ostvaruje najmanje 3 pobjede .

Format će biti u zavisnosti od zemlje koje potpišu , ali ideja bi bila sveta stilu s grupom fazama ( maksimalno 4 zemlje po skupinama ) , a od maksimalno doigravanje četvrtfinale .

To je već poslao poruku na forum moderator , a ako oni ne postoje , menadžeri u NT ili top rangirana zemlja kluba .

Svaka zemlja koja želi da se upišu , daljnjeg , necestais samo najmanje 5 timova po zemlji . Za sada su Španjolska i Meksiko .

Mi čekamo


I will try to create a new friendly competition for Monday, in which the format is similar to the Davis Cup tennis . The start date to be already thinking about June .

The idea is for each country to enroll , choose a captain and be present for each day to be played to a total of 5 teams in the country , of which at least 2 of them will not be playing the Top Division .

The conference will be played at 5 games between teams selected by each country , and win that achieves at least 3 wins .

The format would be depending on the countries that sign , but the idea would be world style with group stages (maximum 4 countries by group ) and from maximum playoffs quarterfinals.

It has already sent messages to the forum moderator , and if they do not exist , the managers of the NT or the top ranked country club.

Any country that wants to enroll , further notice , only necestais at least 5 teams per country . For now are Spain and Mexico .

We wait
Forum index >> Bosna i Hercegovina >> DAVIS CUP TEAMHB