ItalianoPL | |
Yesterday we played 1 match in the World Cup group, we won 7 goals against the French
Group A:
France-Belgium 27:34
Slovakia - Poland 40:41
Today, we play match with Slovakia |
ItalianoPL | |
After a fierce match, we are losing to Slovakia
Tomorrow's fight with Poland to leave the group
Group A:
Belgium-Slovakia 33:34
Poland-France 31:33
ItalianoPL | |
Group A:
Poland-Belgium 32:30
Slovakia-France 40:40
Unfortunately, after the defeat with the Poles, we are eliminated from the tournament. If it had not been for the fatal end of the match with Slovakia, we would not have been worried about this defeat.
However, I think we did a great job as a team.
The main goal was to qualify for the tournament and rejuvenate the team a bit, and I did 100 percent of these tasks.
Good luck to the future coaches! (who knows, maybe I'll come back here again: D) |