A few words to think about.
Forum index >> TeamHB discussions >> A few words to think about.
Posted on 2021-11-16 20:18:30   
Posts: 2234
Joined: 2012-07-09
Greetings to all active managers.

I didn't really want to write here, but the frustration was stronger than me.

Recently, the activity of the Stoik manager was created here, so that all national team managers will throw out players over the age of 40. The idea was to make the game at least a little more attractive for new managers and to replace the work of admins, who somehow forgot to figure out the loss of attributes of older players when creating this game.

The idea is nice. Even our NT coach stuck to it.

But my view is different. Everyone who has been playing here for a few years has already known, that time cannot be fooled. When a newcomer starts playing here. It will take him at least one year to start the economy (that is, he had a hall for at least 17k). He also has to save money, as he doesn't get all the players out of the junior academy. The currency there is, the higher the prices for the top players. So how does the goal of penetrating the top quickly shorten for a novice?

And the claim that managers play with players around 32-40 years old ??? This is logical, because if someone manages to raise a top player, it would not be normal for him to go for only a few seasons. Especially when the economy makes almost no differences between the top division and the 4th division.

I don't want you to understand that I'm in favor of keeping players over 40. Certainly not. But is it rejuvenating to have a young team ???? It's another thing to keep NT players from boot teams. I would be strict there and immediately fired so that they would not take the place of active players.

But why am I saying that !!! When I started playing, I wanted to be the best. That drove me forward! That's why I sold my first team just before advancing to the top division. Thanks to that I saved 40M, I wanted to build a great team that could face teams with old players. Because it is possible. But over the last few seasons, there have been national team managers who have devastated my dreams. They first killed my Italian goalkeeper Davide Di Caro at the age of 31. He had 5 talents, ice cold and octopus. Top 3 in the game. Minus 3 M + purchase of a new 2M. Last year, my Polish pivot Leon Kłysz fell victim. 31 years old, the season could still grow, but a newcomer got to the national team and threw out the core of the Polish national team. Ask the local community how it affected them. And most recently I lost Mimon Egea from the Spanish national team. 34 years old and he is an ordinary player. It has all the attributes of 19 and 13 physical and ice cold. It cost 10M. Again, this is the act of the national team manager, who almost destroyed all the Spanish teams in the top division. It's even worse because he's a cheater who has more teams.

I'm curious, if, for example, Stoik or another French manager will appreciate the winnings in the top division now ???

It destroys the game. Unfair action. Many multiteams move here. Newcomers are destroying some national teams. And some strong ones still hold the old men. For example, in our region, Vasas, he still play with players over 40 years of age. The same is SG Rheinhessen, who is led by the German national coach.

I don't have a problem when someone has a great team even with the old men, but when they cheat and are told to newcomers that success can be built quickly.

GL all. Alexsoulsay
Forum index >> TeamHB discussions >> A few words to think about.