Some facts for thoughts
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Posted on 2023-05-16 12:11:59   
Posts: 619
Joined: 2009-09-24
Here's a list of 27 TeamHB teams with infos :

The numbers at the end show how many friendly games they played in previous season 37, and how many they played against a team of the list

A few facts about those teams :
- Most of them were created within a period of about 6 months 3 years ago
- They represent 20 differents countries in 6 differents areas (there are 8)
- Most of them stay in lower leagues, the only one in Top Div is in a minor area
- All of them have been playing a friendly EVERY week during the whole season
- Almost all of those friendlies (over 95%) have been played against a TEAM OF THIS LIST
- 5 of their managers are currently leading a national team
- At least one of those managers fired all the best national players who could retire (but were still under 40) at the very last day of the previous season

No judgements here, those are only mere FACTS.
I leave everyone draw their own conclusions.

Posted on 2023-05-20 9:25:23   
Posts: 2321
Joined: 2012-02-02
Vikingix wrote:

Here's a list of 27 TeamHB teams with infos :

The numbers at the end show how many friendly games they played in previous season 37, and how many they played against a team of the list

A few facts about those teams :
- Most of them were created within a period of about 6 months 3 years ago
- They represent 20 differents countries in 6 differents areas (there are 8)
- Most of them stay in lower leagues, the only one in Top Div is in a minor area
- All of them have been playing a friendly EVERY week during the whole season
- Almost all of those friendlies (over 95%) have been played against a TEAM OF THIS LIST
- 5 of their managers are currently leading a national team
- At least one of those managers fired all the best national players who could retire (but were still under 40) at the very last day of the previous season

No judgements here, those are only mere FACTS.
I leave everyone draw their own conclusions.

Nice work Moreover, for me there is no surprise on the list

Posted on 2023-06-15 6:22:29   
Posts: 619
Joined: 2009-09-24
Now that some people seem to realise what's happening around some national teams, guess it's time to remind this post to better understand it.

Posted on 2023-06-15 19:53:36   
Posts: 10
Joined: 2012-06-07
We've had a very upsetting situation with one of the users on that list, Jake_Duck. A few seasons ago, he became the coach of the Australian NT, had a good run at the world cup, then on the last day of the season, he retired 3 of our best players. They were 31-32 years old and had just completed their training... but there was zero use to them. What we’ve worked for more than 10 seasons was in vain... and even right now, a few seasons later, we haven't recovered from that blow. He retired our only left-handed player with +200 skill points. To this day we haven't been able to train another left-handed player to be even close to that one, because our selection pool is very limited and all the hard work we put into the game, can be gone in a second.
Last edited on 2023-06-15 at 20:03

Posted on 2023-06-15 20:00:17   
Posts: 272
Joined: 2010-01-04
Infatti secondo me i team nazionali dovrebbero essere guidati da giocatori della stessa nazione per evitare queste cose, sono cose da stupidi anni ad allenare un giocatore e poi per stupidità si perde tutto

Posted on 2023-06-16 6:41:15   
Posts: 619
Joined: 2009-09-24
elizabeth wrote:

We've had a very upsetting situation with one of the users on that list, Jake_Duck. A few seasons ago, he became the coach of the Australian NT, had a good run at the world cup, then on the last day of the season, he retired 3 of our best players. They were 31-32 years old and had just completed their training... but there was zero use to them. What we’ve worked for more than 10 seasons was in vain... and even right now, a few seasons later, we haven't recovered from that blow. He retired our only left-handed player with +200 skill points. To this day we haven't been able to train another left-handed player to be even close to that one, because our selection pool is very limited and all the hard work we put into the game, can be gone in a second.

That's exactly what happened with France lately, and made me do this inquiry to understand what happened.
The same thing happened to several national teams with a manager included in this list.

Some people seem to love to destroy just for fun.

Posted on 2023-07-26 21:52:33   
Posts: 2062
Joined: 2011-01-15
We all know how France one season ago lost the best talents because coach fired those who were retiring. Unfortunately, history repeats once again. Spain lost half of the national team due to new manager.

I still do not know how for example this player
Isidro Costas (ID 706250)

is better than:
Sergio Deniz (ID 675330)
Ernesto Mora (ID 679930)
Narcis Marti (ID 673808)

I think that he might not know that retiring players can still be in NT, because he fired all of them. I have written to him, but he does not respond. On the other hand, he might be just a troll and he exactly knows what he is doing...

Posted on 2023-07-27 14:11:42   
Ferriouze 5344
Posts: 186
Joined: 2012-03-29
He is a troll.
I explained to him and he sent me away
Since more answer

Génération Kana 2020 Top Div

Posted on 2023-07-31 21:36:28   
Posts: 2062
Joined: 2011-01-15
Ferriouze 5344 wrote:

He is a troll.
I explained to him and he sent me away
Since more answer

The worst thing is that no one from Spain is interested in what is going on with their national team. At least it seems to be in this way, due to no messages on forum, replies to my post etc.
Many teams, including mine, lost exceptional players, like a left-handed winger with max offensive skills for 5* of talent. At the same time, their country lost a highly competitive squad for the next few seasons. They used to be one of the strongest teams in THB, with such extraordinary team. I hope they will rebuild their team. For the rest of us, it is the another warning

Posted on 2023-07-31 22:31:03   
Toni Avinyo
Posts: 313
Joined: 2021-08-17
I have received many insults from the manager "pipopipo", the current NT Spain manager. Admins have done nothing...

As former manager, i ask you for help. We need to free ourselves from these trolls. Last season it was France, now it is Spain.

As far as I know, the coach "pipopipo" has had two teams before and has created this new manager to insult and troll some Spanish teams.

Thank you Kamilos for your comment. I need the affected managers to write in this post please:

Thank you so much!

Sempre endavant!
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